Structured Approach to Safety Cases
Intelligent software tools for Safety Case development
Automated Assistance
Development, use, review and update of high quality Safety Cases relies on a range of
'know-how' intense skills built up over years of practice and learning.
At the same time, there is widespread recognition across industries where potential hazards
exist - and in their regulatory bodies - that modern Safety Cases:
- should be Living Documents
- should be developed in a systematic way, using structured methods that ensure a thorough consideration of safety
- should be concise, balanced, proportionate, accessible, intelligible and valid, and provide tangible through-life benefits
Faced with these layers of overlapping complexity and ever increasing workloads,
Safety Case Consultants have had few automated tools to assist in their consideration
of safety factors - until now!
At last, following the introduction of SASC-AI, the writing of Safety Cases can be aided
by intelligent software tools and a supporting new set of methods that increase the
efficiency of production and use of Safety Cases.
Structured information and the 'know-how' of experts combined
SASC-AI has been conceived as a way of combining a 'structured information' approach
with 'know-how' and advice from experts in Safety Cases on how best to write these
In particular, SASC-AI builds on structured methods already being used and promoted as
best practice, such as the use of Goal Structuring Notation diagrams.